There are no cards or other predictive tools used to take up your precious time in consultations. I will ask to hold an item belonging to you e.g. watch, ring, keys and tap into your vibration/energy field to make my predictions. I speak very rapid when consulting and ask that the session be recorded.
A half hour consultation is like processing an hours worth of information. Each consultation lasts thirty minutes. During the first fifteen minutes I will do all the talking; you tell me nothing of yourself.
- Second fifteen minutes you have choices:
You can utilise this time to ask questions on the reading or other matters pertaining to you eg. family, finances, relationships, career, soul’s journey, love life, health, business etc. - It is recommended you write down your questions prior to coming to the reading, as the time will pass rapidly.
- You are more than welcome to bring an OPTIONAL two photos. Not of yourself. Perhaps a love interest or family member, that is living, NOT deceased, that you would like to ask about!
All photos must be single and not group. Bring the most recent, as vibrations are trapped in from the moment the photo is taken.
PLEASE NOTE there may not be enough time to answer your questions AND read the photos. Prioritise what you wish to achieve most from this reading.
You may need to be selective if time is running short. Please do not bring items belonging to others with the hope of getting a ‘mini reading” for them. This is your time to explore your life’s options. If you have no questions or photos, I will continue a straight reading.